We all have days where we would rather stay in our pjs and hide under the covers in bed.
Maybe we are sick for the fourteenth day in a row.
Maybe we are tired of added pressure of work.
Maybe someone has taken us for granted or has taken advantage of us.
Maybe we felt a mean streak and exploded in front of someone we care about and don't know how to apologize.
Maybe we are lonely.
Who knows? But we have all wanted to throw ourselves a big ole pity party at one time or another right?
I had a friend once who was so good for me when I felt that way. He would tell me, "Bring out the cake. Let's get this party started. But then we are getting over it and we are going to choose joy."
Yes, joy is a choice. Wallowing in self pity is a choice. And which person would you rather spend time with?
If you're going to say, "yeah, but, what about depression?"
I know depression. I spent way too much time in that black pit of desperation. But if you have depression, real clinical depression, there is amazing clinical help for that. There are medications, and therapists that are wonderful tools.
But I am talking about the, "No, thank you. I just want you to feel my pain with me" kind of pain.
Choose joy!
Do you want joy or misery?
I will come to your pity party but I won't stay long. I will bring a gift, joy. Will you accept it?
Joy comes from the Lord.
Misery comes from Satan.
You choose.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV
“ And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.””
Nehemiah 8:10b ESV