The sky is always blue beyond the clouds. There is always hope and encouragement here.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Part 2
Yeah, but...
Let's journey again in the mind's eye back to when Jesus was teaching.
I would've loved hearing Jesus, himself, teach what is written.
I can picture it this day, however, it might not have been exactly just this way. I like to vision it so.
The crowds are big, many sitting in the dirt, some standing. Jesus is sitting on a rock telling them parables, earthly stories with heavenly meanings. 
He isn't preaching. It's not formal, although he has their full attention. Well, maybe not the squirming toddlers. They are fussy, hot and tired. 
Jesus holds out his arms and the mothers bring their kids to him. The disciples are frustrated. They, too, are hot and tired. They just want him to be able to finish his teaching so they can go back into town for a bite to eat. "Don't bother the teacher," they try to tell the young mothers, but Jesus scolds. "Let these little ones come to me. This is how Heaven shall be, full of innocent, loving minds."
When he is done speaking a young man comes to him. He looks well to do. He asks Jesus a question. It goes exactly like this,
“A ruler questioned Him, saying, "Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments, 'D O NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, D O NOT MURDER, D O NOT STEAL, D O NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS, H ONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER.'" And he said, "All these things I have kept from my youth." When Jesus heard this, He said to him, "One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." But when he had heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich.”
Luke 18:18-23 NASB
Whoa, we saw the proud young man stroll right up to Jesus. He wonders how to obtain eternal life. "What's the fast track?" He seems to want to know. Or maybe it's "How can I be sure?"
Jesus quotes some of the Jewish laws. We see the man's chest puff out. He is pleased with himself. "Yes, I've got this. I've got this!" He seems to say to himself.
He says to Jesus, "Yes, Sir. I've done all of that for years."
But when Jesus tells him to sell all that he has and follow him, the air is knocked right out of him. You could almost hear it, whoosh.And his shoulders slumped and his expression changed dramatically.
Did he really have to sell ALL that he had? Did he really have to leave his home and family to follow Jesus? He wasn't sure that he could do that. He was pretty sure that he could not.
Can I not just give some? Can I not love you from my home? 
No, Jesus said, give it up, follow me.
Shame on him. Did he not understand who Jesus was? Did he not realize that this was his SAVIOR? 

But am I guilty of the same? I want Jesus. I want a Savior. I believe and live by what He has taught. But do I give until it's a true sacrifice to further His kingdom? Do I deny myself to follow Him, to be in His presence? 
If I really love The Lord with all my heart(emotions,) with all my soul (spiritual being,) with all my mind (knowledge,) and with all my strength (my physical self) then what can I withhold? Nothing!
I can't be emotional (grumpy, moody,) and stay away from Him. I, for sure, can't keep my spiritual being apart from God. I have to always be in His presence and growing in my knowledge of Him. And even when my physical body aches and pains, I can't stay away from Him.  Or do I not truly love Him with ALL of me.
When I stand before Jesus will the wind be knocked out of ME? Will MY shoulders slump? Will MY expression change because I was unwilling to give my all?

Lord, help me.
Help us all.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Yeah, but

Yeah, but...  
I want you to go with me back in time. Put on your imagination hat, block out all distractions and get a good picture here, even though the scene probably wasn't just like this. The scripture reference is intact.
Jesus is popular with almost everyone. He walks around the dusty streets and picks up a giggling little girl. Maybe she's the daughter of a young man he healed of leprosy. 
Women run up to him and give him biscuits flavored with honey, enough for all the men traveling with him. They are grateful because he gave them something to eat when they traveled to hear him speak.
But then over there, standing in the shadows of the buildings, are three men. They look important, dignified. They are looking at Jesus, but talking to each other. It is plain to see that they don't like him. 
One breaks away and comes up to Jesus. The little girl hides behind Jesus. The women back away. The disciples stop their eating and look up. The dignified man asks a question.
Let's read it from the scripture,
“And a lawyer stood up and put Him to the test, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" 
And He (Jesus) said to him, "What is written in the Law? How does it read to you?" 
And Jesus said to him, "You have answered correctly; DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE."
 But wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"”
Luke 10:25-29 NASB
Do you see what he's doing? He is saying, "I can love God. Of course I do. I know what The Law says. I am very familiar with God's word. But who is it exactly that I have to love? Is it those who live in the other extravagant houses near mine? Is it my dear family? And those that I work with?"
He looks at the skinny women, the ones with worn out clothes. He looks at the little girl. She's filthy! Her hair is stringy and matted. I'm glad these aren't my neighbors, he thinks as he walks away.
"We got this." He tells the other two men. "We got this."

Have you ever justified yourself against the teachings of Jesus? You know what He means, but, "yeah, but" comes out of your mouth and thoughts. 
I have. I hate to admit it, but I have. 
Jesus says love others.
Jesus says deny yourself.
Jesus says obey My Father.
Jesus says give.
Do we know what He says? Do we know, but don't heed?
Lord, forgive me. I need to be more obedient. I must understand that if I want eternal life, just as this snobby man was seeking, I must have ears that hear and understand. 
 I want/need You as my savior, but I don't always want You as my Lord. By trying to justify myself I am not doing what You truly intend. By trying to make it easier on myself, Am I truly denying myself to follow you?
Help me, Lord.
Help us all.