The sky is always blue beyond the clouds. There is always hope and encouragement here.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:35, 36 ESV)

 Be merciful, even as the Father is merciful.

It is said that Grace is getting what you don't deserve and Mercy is not getting what you do deserve. What does mercy mean to you? 

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. How can I understand why God would ever love human beings enough to send His precious Son to give His life in my place? 
It should be me dying for my sins. I don't even deserve to draw another breath. 
I desire a close, intimate relationship with God but the very next moment, I am getting distracted from my prayer with Him. I want to be a good example but find myself falling into meanness or gossip. I strive to be kind and caring and then lose my temper. I fall so short in my vain attempts to be pleasing to Him. Thank God for grace. He gives what I don't deserve. A chance to stand before Him, holy and blameless because all He sees is me covered in the blood of Jesus's love for me.

I am not worthy of God's noticing me. Who am I that He should care about me at all? I fail each day, many times, yet God extends His mercy to me. 
He loves me. He is good to me. He treats me as a child. He has big plans for me. He has all of Heaven cheering me on. 

God wants me to be merciful to others that don't deserve it. He wants me to extend love, goodness and kindness to them. 
Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. "B ut if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." (Romans 12:17, 20 NASB)

None of us want to ever be in the position of actually being nice to our enemies, do we? Can you imagine yourself being good about that? 
That is mercy. God says, Be merciful, even as He is merciful. 
What if God only forgave you by the amount that you forgive your enemies? 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Our future

Have you ever heard someone say, "It's the story of my life." ?

Well, is it really? Or is it the story of their choices?


But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:35, 36 ESV)
Lend, expecting nothing in return

Often  in our work as a truck drivers going all over the United States, my husband and I will see people looking for a handout. They stand on street corners or at the ends of exit ramps or even just outside the doors to restaurants and stores. Many claim to be veterans of our country, some will have wives or children with them and all of them look ragged and tired.
We used to help them all. We gave to each one that we saw, but soon realized that we couldn't keep up. It was like throwing a bit of bread into the air for a seagull, soon there are hundreds and they will peck you to pieces. 
We almost never give away money any more, but instead will offer food or buy them a lunch. None of them have ever declined our food. They take it graciously and with many thanks. 
My heart has been blessed several times over by helping someone else.
It is not up to me to speculate about their motives. God knows we are giving with the right attitudes in our hearts.
His word speaks about this, here are only a few examples.
Deuteronomy 15:8-10 ESV 
But you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake.
Matthew 5:42 ESV Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

You see, God doesn't want me to question what this person is going to do with the money or if they will just throw the food away. He wants me to help whenever there is one with a need and I have the ability.
It is so much easier to help a family member or church member. But God is waiting to see how generous we are with the gifts that He gives to us; to anyone that should have a need.

Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! (Matthew 7:9-11 ESV)

What can you lend(give) today to someone? Can you share you money, food, clothing, time, your kindness, your hands to help someone, your eyes to read for the elderly, your tenderness for a sick child? 
Just do not do these things with the thought of getting something in return, always give to just help.
What if God only gave blessings to those Who gave back to Him. What if God only gave you today what you thanked Him for yesterday?

Again, Later this week I will talk about this subject in our verses.
D. Be merciful (kind to the ungrateful and evil)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do Good

But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:35, 36 ESV)

Do Good
Our verse above tells us to do good and the verse following tells us to "do what is right and good in the sight of The Lord." 
And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord, that it may go well with you,  (Deuteronomy 6:18 ESV)
Now there is a difference between the two because sometimes we can make our words, thoughts and actions seem good to us.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. (Proverbs 16:25 ESV)
We can justify our behavior to ourselves and convince ourselves that we are ok. However most people when they hear our excuses can see right through lame excuses.
And many scripture verses when picked through and taken out of context can seem to make everything be ok.
But are you really ok in God's eyes. Do you reason with, "yes, I know, but God understands why I.......?" 
Because God will make exceptions for you because you are more special than everyone else. (Sarcasm) No, I don't think so. You are only fooling yourself. 
God's word is powerful. It is specific. It contains so much. We do good to follow it exactly.
Do good. A small two word sentence. Sounds easy. Should be easy, not so easy to do. But keep trying. Always try. And like Nike says, just do it. Do good.
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:9, 10 ESV)
I heard someone on the radio say these words as I was typing this message, how appropriate; "If you can something good for somebody else it will do you good too."

Again, Later this week I will talk about these subjects in our verses.

C. Lend, expecting nothing back

D. Be merciful (kind to the ungrateful and evil)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Who is my Enemy?

But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:35, 36 ESV)

A. Love your enemies!
Enemy definition:
1 : one that is antagonistic to another; especially : one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent
2 : something harmful or deadly 
3 a : a military adversary b : a hostile unit or force
How is it possible to love an enemy?
Choices are within our control. No one can be our enemy unless we choose for them to be our enemy. Someone else may label us as the enemy, but no one can be our enemy without our consent.
Who is it that you are choosing to allow to hurt you? Yes, there are those who seek to harm you physically. These actions may be beyond your control. Can you remove yourself from the situation? How can someone like this be loved?
Love for enemies comes not from the heart but from the will. We choose to love someone our hearts don't even like.
There are many stories about those who have been horribly wronged by someone and have gone on to offer forgiveness to that person. It is so hard for my human mind to accept this, yet God expects us to forgive everyone.
Again it is a choice that you make. 
What is the worst, most awful thing that has ever been done to you? How have you dealt with that? Have you forgiven? Can you imagine forgiving?
I am reminded of three young women that were kidnapped, held captive and abused in many horrific ways by Ariel Castro in Cleveland, OH. Their torment by him lasted over  a decade.
Upon their escape and his capture one of the women said at his trial,  "You took 11 years of my life away. I spent 11 years in hell, now your hell is just beginning. I will overcome all this that has happened, but you will face hell for eternity. I will live on, you will die a little every day as you think of the 11 years of atrocities that you inflicted on us...I can forgive you, but I will never forget."
Another of the women said that she wanted to forget about all of it and just on with the living of her life.
I CANNOT IMAGINE what or how they must feel. But I do know how very hard it would be to think about forgiving someone like him, and to actually LOVE him, well, I have a hard time doing that just by hearing of his actions.
Yet God expects it. He commands it.
So, can you love someone that even your heart doesn't like?
Can you look at an enemy with the same kind of eyes with which God looks at you? 

Take a close look at the picture I chose to go with this writing. Do you see it? Do you get it? The heart around the words are formed from fishing hooks! We are to be fishers of men.
God's love, mercy, forgiveness and salvation is for EVERYONE. If we can't, won't or don't reel in the unlovable, what kind of Christian are we?

Later this week I will talk about these subjects in our verses.
B. Do good

C. Lend, expecting nothing back

D. Be merciful (kind to the ungrateful and evil)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wide Sweep Broom

Wide Sweep Broom
Just before I started this job I had to clean out our garage so that we could store some of our stuff out there. It was a big messy job. 
My husband gave me a big, wide broom to make quick work of this nasty job. And boy, did it sweep fast. It was just the ticket for sweeping that floor.
However it did not get into the corners, it was not good for cleaning the cobwebs from the rafters, and it sure wasn't good for cleaning the light fixtures or windows.
So even though it seemed like the perfect tool, I still needed others to get into the details of the cleaning.

It's the same way with a lot of things in life. People try to use a wide sweep broom to handle everything. And it doesn't always work.

Regarding salvation people use,
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 ESV)
They think that this will cover them completely. They believe in Jesus, therefore they must be saved. But that broad statement is not all that is needed. 
God's word says this:
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” (John 14:21 ESV)
The Bible is full of instruction; And there is a lot of detail. You need to be a student of The Word. 
Save the picture attachment below to your phone, tablet or computer. Learn this information. Commit it to your memory. Understand why we believe ALL this to be true. And most importantly, share it with others.
Do not use a wide sweep broom for salvation. Otherwise it might only look clean, but not really be clean.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

For Good Measure

I read a snarky comment on Facebook the other day. It said, "I love when I spend $2.98 for a bag of air and they include a couple of potato chips."
Funny, right?
How about when you buy that box of fund raising candy and open it to find 6 small pieces. And have you noticed that some food products containers have high domes in the bottom? This is so that the container looks the same but you are really getting less product.
I hate to feel cheated when I am buying something. I want my money's worth. 
Remember the Baker's dozen? That was when you got 13 for the price of a dozen. I liked that idea. 
And when was the last time your sub or burger was made to look like the picture?

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:37, 38 ESV)

I like this scripture, how it talks about measurements. Picture it, filling a cup then banging on the bottom so the contents settle. You can add some more, now shake it a bit and put a little more into the cup. Fill it up, heap it up, let some spill over. Isn't that a cupful that you would like to receive?

What is if was a toxic substance? How much would you want?

The scripture says, by the yardstick that you hold others up against, expect to be held against the same stick. In other words, if you are harsh, expect to be treated harshly. If you are rude, expect to be treated rudely. If you are disrespectful, do not expect to be respected. If you are mean, you will get mean. If you are loud, people will shout at you. 
If you are nice, you will get nicely treated. If you are respectful, you will be respected. If you are honest, people will be honest with you. If you treat people with a lack of compassion, you shouldn't expect to be treated with compassion. If you are indifferent to others, they won't care about you.

Do you get it? What goes around comes around. What you reap you will sow. 

How do you want to be treated? How do you measure other people's faults and sins? How do you measure other people's good traits? 
How do you want people to respond to you?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Truth

Ok, I am going to date myself big time here and now. 
How many of you remember a game show, To Tell The Truth? It ran from 1956 (before my time) to 1968 (I was 7.) then for several years in syndication.
Here is how it worked:
The show features a panel of four celebrities attempting to correctly identify a described contestant who has an unusual occupation or experience. This central character is accompanied by two impostors who pretend to be the central character. The celebrity panelists question the three contestants; the impostors are allowed to lie but the central character is sworn "to tell the truth". After questioning, the panel attempts to identify which of the three challengers is telling the truth and is thus the central character.

I liked that show. They always brought people on with very interesting skills like, a dentist for whales or something strange and different. The Imposters could often be very convincing.

Very often falsehoods can sound very convincing. 
About two years ago I was in a Sunday School class where the teacher handed out worksheets and taught a whole lesson. 
Several of us during the lesson had some raised eyebrows or scratched our heads yet no one said anything. At the end of the lesson the teacher told us that he had taught us all wrong just to demonstrate how easily it could be done and not questioned even by Christians.

Ok, I got his point but what upset me was that there were some new Christians in the classroom that might have been confused when they left. Plus, there was the worksheets that were printed with wrong information that left the building. (Not a good thing to have happened.)

Then there is the preacher that sends out scripture texts that are deliberately wrong just to see how many will look them up and correct him. It is his way of testing his congregation. (Not a good thing to do.)

People tend to believe what they are taught. People tend to more easily grasp what they see in print. And it is always better to teach someone correctly rather than change their thinking later.
As Christians we should always be aware that people are looking at us, they are hearing what we say, they are using us as examples. What you do, say, and print say an awful lot about you. Please, be careful what you do. We are teachers in a way.

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. (James 3:1 ESV)

Monday, January 13, 2014

High Hopes

High Hopes
 Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. (Romans 8:24, 25 ESV)
My husband and I went with some friends to a restaurant. We all thought about what we wanted and the woman with us asked for blackberry cobbler. The waitress said that she wasn't sure if there was any left for the day had been busy. She said she would check but not to get your hopes up.
"Don't get your hopes up?" What good are low hopes? Low hopes are no hope at all.
When I hope for something, I am convinced that it will come about. I began to think on it as if it is real already. And I wait for it. That is hope.

There was blackberry cobbler!

The scripture above comes from Paul's writings to the Romans. He is talking to them waiting and longing for the day when we are finally called away from this world and all the pain and tribulation that is here. He is giving them hope and encouragement as Children of God, that because of their adoption they can be convinced that salvation is real, that they will be saved and taken to a better place. That they can think on it as if it is real already and wait for it with patience and endurance.

This present world can batter hard against you. Like the waves crashing against the beach, it can erode you if you allow it. 
But like Paul says, 
For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. (Romans 8:24, 25 ESV)

By working hard to strengthen our numbers and standing together, we can and will persevere and endure and hold fast until He appears or calls us home.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

I Will Pray

Almost everyday I have someone ask me, "Will you pray for me?" And I always say that I will. Yesterday I had two such requests and when I replied that I would, one woman said to me, "why do you always say yes? I don't even know you, yet you always say that you will pray."

I know that we are to pray for each other and when someone asks and I say that I will, then I will.
Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you, and I will instruct you in the good and the right way. (1 Samuel 12:23 ESV)

Being a truck driver it isn't easy for me to find ways to be in service for The Lord, but I know that I must be, I need to be, for it is my desire to be pleasing. I want you to know that you can always come to me for prayer. I can do that. I will do that.
But I am not special. I do not have anymore of a direct link to the throne of a God than anyone else. And God will not answer a prayer that I pray any sooner or better than if someone else prays.
And I may let you down. Chances are, at some point I will fail in your eyes. 

But God promises that He will never fail you. He will never let you down. He wants YOU to come to Him. He will always be available to you. And He desires that you seek Him.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 ESV)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Hokey Pokey

You put your right hand in,
 you put your right out,
 you put your right hand in 
and you shake it all about. 
Do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about.

What is the Hokey Pokey all about? I looked up the origins and there were about eight different ways that claim to be the start of the Hokey Pokey. And this didn't satisfy me because I truly did want to know what it is all about.
I liked this particular one because these guys are from my home state, PA.
In 1946, two Scranton, PA, musicians—Robert Degan and Joe Brier—recorded "The Hokey-Pokey Dance" to entertain summer vacationers at Poconos Mountains Resorts. The song was a regional favorite at dances and resorts for the rest of the '40s.
But facts state that similar versions were being used before that time in London.
But then I came across this,
"Hocus pocus" derives, in turn, from a Latin line in the Catholic Mass, "Hoc corpus meum" ("This is my body"), indicating the transformation of the communion "bread" into the body of Jesus Christ.
And I liked that one because the bread and the juice do represent the body and blood of Christ. And when you give yourself (all of yourself) to Him and are cleansed through baptism, you do turn yourself around.
I'm don't know how to relate the part by part giving though. And I sure wouldn't want anyone putting in and taking back out when it comes to commitment to The Lord.

Maybe humankind will never ever know what the Hokey Pokey is all about. But I do know that God's purpose, His Plan is all about Jesus. He is what it's all about.
Put yourself in, turn yourself around. Give all of yourself in service to Him. 
Put your whole self in....

For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26 ESV)

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6 ESV)

“As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. (Romans 14:11, 12 ESV)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Monkey See Monkey Do

Do you remember playing, Monkey see, Monkey do as a child? How about Follow the leader? Both of these silly little games involved imitation. You had to imitate the one chosen as leader.
Childhood games seem kind of goofy when you think about them now but most all of those games taught us something.
First, we had to choose a leader. Someone that we would be okay imitating.
Second, we had to pay attention and see what they were doing.
Third, we had to replicate their actions, copy them, do everything that they did.
And we continued in this manner until we chose a new leader. Each new leader tried to be unique. 
But there really wasn't a goal or an end to the game, you just played until you got tired of it.

The writer of Hebrews tells us this,
Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. (Hebrews 13:7 NASB)

Remember the person that was most influential in leading you to salvation? What did they say to you? How did they act toward you? What was it that they had said or done to bring you to The Lord?

Think long and hard on this. 

After you have thought about it and remembered it, the writer than says, "considering the result of their conduct (your salvation is a result), imitate their faith (do and say to others what they have done and said to you.)

Can you follow the example set before you? Will you try?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

God's Timing

I have been following the pregnancy of two young women. Both are approaching their delivery dates and both are very anxious and excited to begin their motherhood. 
With our modern technology and through social media, most of us know of a pregnancy within minutes of the mother to be finding out the news. And then we also get to follow the progression of the pregnancy, including all the food cravings and mood swings. We also get to hear about their hopes and dreams for their child. Many times we learn if it is a boy or a girl and sometimes even know the name of the child before they are even born.
I find it all so exciting. 
But imagine being a young pregnant for the first time woman and hearing this prophesy about your unborn child.
"He will be a wild donkey of a man, His hand will be against everyone, And everyone's hand will be against him; And he will live to the east of all his brothers." (Genesis 16:12 NASB)

A promise was given to Abram. God told him that he would have descendants too many to number. However, Abram and his wife were advanced in years and thought the promise sounded funny. Yet Abram believed.
Abram's wife, Sarai, was hopeful yet doubtful, do you understand how she could be both at once? 
Have you ever been hopeful and doubtful at the same time?
So she rushed God's timing and took matters into her own hands. She gave her maid to her husband as a second wife. And Haggar became pregnant with Abram's child.
This was not how God had planned to give Abram descendants. And so Haggar's child was born under the above prophesy from God.

When we are take our will over God's will for us, we will live with the consequences of those actions.
Do not rush God's timing or try to go around His will for your life. Follow His lead and His direction.
Learning to do that takes patience and practice and a desire to please Him. It means living by and listening to His word. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Blues

Do you get the winter blues? Some used to call it 'Cabin Fever?' Maybe you know it as, Post Holiday Depression. 
The busy distraction of cooking, cleaning, decorating, shopping, traveling, eating, and visiting of the holiday season is over. Now it always seems like a long time until there is something to look forward to, like Spring.
The house seems a lot barer now, a little more stark, a little dirtier, and feels colder too.
People visit less, children can't go outside as much, it IS colder, it is darker, sickness is rampant and the tv reruns are in full swing.
It is easy to be glum. Ho Hum.
The blues set in.
But they don't have to, you can use this 'down-time' as a chance to renew and recharge yourself and get closer to God. Scripture tells us that singing praises to God is pleasant and becoming. 
You cannot feel pleasant and blue at the same time. Which will you choose? It is a choice you have to make.
I choose Joy!

He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. He casts forth His ice as fragments; Who can stand before His cold? 
Praise the Lord ! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant and praise is becoming. (Psalms 147:16, 17 & 1NASB)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Plan to be good

Do you know that there are those that plan to do bad things? They plot their schemes.They devise meanness in their minds, what they will say and what they will do to make someone else feel bad.
It is hard to think about but we all know that it happens.

I know I, myself, have wasted time thinking about how to get back at someone, or what I was going to say to win arguments.
I wish that it was easier to not let mean people get under my skin.
But God's word tells me that I do not need to worry about such people. 
Though they intended evil against You And devised a plot, They will not succeed. (Psalms 21:11 NASB)

I would rather not waste time planning bad thoughts or my response to bad people. I would rather think on good things. And again the scriptures give us guidance. 
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8 NASB)

I have been hearing many stories of people paying for meals for people in line behind them. I love hearing about these acts of kindness. I want to be a kinder person. I want to plan good things and think about lovely things. Life is too short to do otherwise.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

You have done well to share

There have been periods of time throughout my life when circumstances were not always ideal. Job situations change, illness occurs, a baby arrives, a geographical move was necessary, well, you get the idea.
Most often these occurrences brought a change in our income. Our budget is stretched as it is. We, like most everyone else, live our lives from paycheck to paycheck. And because of this, like Paul, we have had to get by with slim pickin's and also have had help from a generous hand.
I have put hungry kids to bed. And when God prospers us, we have several times sent help to African orphanages and helped other organizations.
I believe that as Christians this is the way God expects us to behave. Accept help when needed and help others when you can. But always know and trust that God will get you through.
Look at yourself today. What can you share? How can you be of help for another of God's children? We all have something that we can give.

I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction. (Philippians 4:12-14 NASB)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
It is a brand new year, a brand new day, a brand new start. 
Everyone is considering how and what they will change. People see the new year as a clean, fresh start and a chance to make things right.
David, the psalmist understood that very thing.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit. (Psalms 51:10, 12 NASB)
Only instead of seeking to change himself he sought the help of God. His resolutions were:
1. To have God create for him a clean heart.
2. To have God renew a STEADFAST (dedicated, devoted) spirit in him.
3. To have God restore the Joy he had at his salvation.
4. To have God sustain (nourish) me with a willing spirit.
David had 4 wonderful resolutions. I cannot imagine any better than his.
People have a tendency to resolve to be more healthy, to seek happiness, to save money for prosperity, to be a better husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, worker, etc. but the word of God says, But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33 NASB)
I think I will try to think like David. 
I am asking God to make in me a clean heart. Get rid of my cold, hard heart. Make for me something new, pliant and soft, something that yields to Him and His desires for me.
I am asking God to renew my spirit with a devotion to seek Him and His will for my life.
I am begging God to restore to me the earnest Joy and zeal that I had on that day when I was made a new creation through immersion into Christ. When ALL of my sin was washed away and I was resurrected a new being filled with His Holy Spirit.
And I am trusting Him to nourish me through His word and through My Christian friends to hold fast to a spirit that is willing to be used for and by Him to further His Kingdom here on earth.
I am excited!
These are big statements. I desire to be pleasing to God. I know from past experience that He will take care of me.
And I know that if I fail, if my resolve should falter, if I sin, God is quick to forgive me if I am repentant.
The Lord ' s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22, 23 NASB)
And God makes new things too. He says He will do this for His chosen:
"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19 NASB)
Get ready for it. God is going to be making roads through your wilderness. No more will you be stumbling and bumping along. And no more wondering if you are lost or going the right way. He is building roads for you.
AND He is making rivers in your desert. He may not remove you from the dry, hot, dusty place, but He will bring you rivers! He is not saying an oasis, he is saying moving, flowing rivers, that will refresh you and sustain you as you go through that desert as long as you stay close to the River.
Would you consider making this your resolution for the year?
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit. (Psalms 51:10, 12 NASB)