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Thursday, January 2, 2014

You have done well to share

There have been periods of time throughout my life when circumstances were not always ideal. Job situations change, illness occurs, a baby arrives, a geographical move was necessary, well, you get the idea.
Most often these occurrences brought a change in our income. Our budget is stretched as it is. We, like most everyone else, live our lives from paycheck to paycheck. And because of this, like Paul, we have had to get by with slim pickin's and also have had help from a generous hand.
I have put hungry kids to bed. And when God prospers us, we have several times sent help to African orphanages and helped other organizations.
I believe that as Christians this is the way God expects us to behave. Accept help when needed and help others when you can. But always know and trust that God will get you through.
Look at yourself today. What can you share? How can you be of help for another of God's children? We all have something that we can give.

I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction. (Philippians 4:12-14 NASB)

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