The sky is always blue beyond the clouds. There is always hope and encouragement here.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7

Verse of the day.
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31 ESV)
This is verse is the all time encouragement to the Roman Church. Remember it was the Roman Empire in control at this time. They are persecuting anyone that gets in their way, especially those that were followers and believers in this Jewish King that was just crucified. 
When the news of Jesus' resurrection and appearances spread, the churches grew, including into some of the Roman people.  So those Roman believers now Christians are especially persecuted.
Paul is telling them to be strong and do not lose the faith. No matter what you face, great is the reward in Heaven.

I believe that too often, we too, forget that this life is temporary. We are to be focused on the life that is to come for eternity.
Do not listen to the enemy as he whispers to you that your God doesn't care about you. Do not listen when he tells you that you will never be good enough for God's Kingdom. That is what grace is for.
Know and believe that God  loves you so much that He provided The Way for us to be with Him forever.
Nothing we face on this earth will ever compare to the joy that is waiting.
What are you willing to stand up to today?

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