The sky is always blue beyond the clouds. There is always hope and encouragement here.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lukewarm, blah!

We all know someone who loved God and served Him and then turned away. 
I was chatting with someone yesterday who once was very inspirational to me. Someone that I respected and turned to when I needed guidance. This person admitted to me that they know longer care and won't discuss it at all.

It is hard for me to understand how someone can stop loving God.

I can understand losing trust in church people. I can understand being frustrated with decisions that involve the congregation. I can understand how missing a Sunday or two can lead to not going at all. I can see the reasoning behind most people's excuses for not attending worship. I really can. 

But I do not understand losing a relationship with the savior, willingly leaving the love of God. How does one person stop caring about what Jesus did, what He suffered, on our behalf?

God's church is made up of imperfect people, like me. It is governed, led by, imperfect people.  You are being preached at by an imperfect person too. In fact, there is not a perfect person there. But we all love God. And we love Him enough to want to be with the others that love Him like we do. We want to worship and praise God as a group. 

The main reason for church gatherings, according to the scriptures, is for encouragement of each other and to be equipped to teach others. Please come. If you aren't getting encouraged, then you be the encourager. 

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