The sky is always blue beyond the clouds. There is always hope and encouragement here.

Monday, June 15, 2015

The lost coin

Bill and I have spent the weekend in Cedar Rapids, IA. We walk for exercise each day. On two different occasions this weekend we found coins while walking. Once was a dime and a penny and the other time was a dime. We always pick up these lost coins. And them put them in a bank that we keep in our truck.
We love finding these coins. We get excited. 
I don't know what they meant to the person that dropped them. Maybe they just shrugged and thought, "Oh well, just a coin." I doubt they searched and searched for the dropped coins. We seldom find quarters (which someone might bother to bend over and pick up,) and finding a dollar bill is very rare.
But this reminded me of the story that Jesus told about a woman that lost one of her coins. She lit up the house, got out the broom, got down on her knees into the dirt and searched. She hunted. She persisted. And then she found it! And she celebrated.
Of course Jesus was talking about the lost soul. The one that is lost. 
Am I willing to shine the light, gather my tools and resources, understand them where they are? Am I willing to be patient? 
Or are they just too common or too invaluable for me to even bother with?

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