Every November my husband and son-in-law go out of state deer hunting. A group of men lease an old farm house and they use it as a hunting cabin. So other than the one month of deer season, the house is unused. Well, unused by humans.
During the warmer months, the flies invade. And then as cooler weather comes the mice come inside.
So when the men show up and turn on the heat and stock the cupboards, these critters and pests show up.
Anyway, about a year or so ago my son-in-law took his son. And another one of the men took his son. The boys were about 12 years old.
The men had hung sticky flypaper to try to capture the flies and also placed several sheets of glue paper mousetraps around the house. During the night a mouse got caught on the glue paper. (Now, in my opinion, I think this stuff is crazy horrible. It traps the critters but then what?)
Anyway the two boys rescued the little mouse from the sticky paper but then they decided to torture it. (I will spare you the details.) but in the end, it was dead!
I was reminded of this when I was sharing with a friend how I overcome bad thoughts and feelings of dread and fear. I shared the verse from 2 Corinthians that says,
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV)
Can you picture it? Thoughts and fears crowd into your mind and then doubt creeps in and your faith starts to waver. But then, you scoop up those thoughts and fears and smash them in your hands. You put a stop to the doubts creeping in by standing up to them. These fears, doubts, worries, what-ifs, are no match to the promises of God. You squash them.
Take these things captive! You are large and in charge. Doubt and fear come from Satan, the stealer of our joy. He wants us to quiver and shake. Take that power away from him.
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