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Thursday, January 14, 2016


J o y 
Joy- I have chosen this small 3 letter word as my word for 2016. 
The dictionary defines joy as a noun, a feeling of great happiness, or the source of great happiness, or success in doing, finding or getting something.
Well, here I am, just barely starting the brand new year and I do not have "a feeling of great happiness." Does this mean that I have lost my Joy?
Someone told me that Satan is trying to steal my Joy. But does he really care if I'm happy or not? Many people living in sin are very happy and Satan doesn't try to steal their happiness. 
So Joy has to be something more, even more than happiness. And furthermore, if Satan wants to steal it, than it must be of God. Satan only steals from God or from those that belong to God.
So then, back to what Joy is. 
If Joy is of God or of those belonging to God, and the dictionary says it's a source of great happiness or success in finding something, then to me joy means: the great wonderful happiness that I have in being a child of God.
So, even though today may not be filled with smiles, flowers, puppies, butterflies, and rainbows, I am in God. Even though there may be tears, loss, troubles, sickness, and worries, I am still a daughter of the King. I choose to be joyful. I choose joy. 
The only way that Satan can steal my Joy is if I take my attention and focus off of the Lord. 
Lord, I want to choose You in the good days and the bad days. I want to follow Your ways at all times. I know that no matter what comes my way, You are bigger. You are in control. In You I place my trust. You are my source of everything. Knowing that, I can have great happiness. Joy!

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