Yesterday while unpacking some of my things from the truck, I came across my tea cup and saucer that I had used for an online tea party. As soon as I saw it, it reminded me of a very good friend. And then I wondered about her. She is and has been going through some very rough ordeals lately. Her strength of character is sure being tested. Yet she quietly marches on.
She does not ever complain or bemoan her situation and no one would even know about her problems unless you are close enough to her to ask her.
She truly is a strong woman.
A woman is like a teabag, you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water.---Eleanor Roosevelt
I would like to say that I am a lot like her. I would like to think that I can handle my struggles in this life with grace and dignity. But I know that often I do not.
There is a saying that says misery loves company. And there is some truth to this nugget. Sometimes I just want people to know of my struggles.
The more I pondered this, the more I realized that in my own life,
It's the big, heavy pain that I try to bear on my own. And the lesser, just nagging trials that I wanted to share with my friends.
Now why is this? Do I share my lesser struggles because I know they will pass and I can appear to be an overcomer?
Do I hide my heavy heart because I am vulnerable and don't trust people?
We ALL have trials and tribulations. Everyone does.
Scripture tells us that when we are strong, we will endure. And endurance over time will make us complete, lacking in nothing.
Spiritually, what we endure builds us toward perfection.
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