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Tuesday, June 16, 2015


There are 4 distinct Greek words translated by the English word love.
STORGE is the word for the tender love and affection which exists between family members; it is the love of kindred. However in God's word it is only used in a negative sense and the word when translated means, "without natural affection."
To be without the affection of family is a sin. Tender feelings are expected in the home.

I read these words this morning in my Bible studying and I wondered for a long time on this. Everyone, I think, desires those tender, affectionate feelings in the home. But it seems to me, that very often it is lacking. And I wonder why. 
As a mother I am always trying to gather my family together. I am at my happiest when I have all my kids under my roof. This doesn't happen very often and never for very long. 

My thoughts wandered for over an hour this morning. I was thinking about the homes of my kids and my friends. What kind of tenderness and affection is thriving or lacking in these homes? 
Then I wondered why I was wondering so long and hard on this. What do you want me to see God? What do you want me to say or do? Show me my work and make me willing and able to do it.

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