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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Window Shopping

Not too long ago my husband and I visited Arizona. We had a great time at the Grand Canyon and sightseeing other places. 
I enjoyed the scenery and the people and places that we visited. And I wanted to purchase some mementos of our travels. In particular, I wanted a rug or two that was woven by the native Americans. So my husband, being the good sport that he is, drove me around to many little stores trying to find what I wanted. We continued to leave each shop disappointed because they didn't have them or they only had the cheap, manufactured ones.
Finally after driving for miles we found a shop that had exactly what I wanted hanging in the front windows. So Bill parked the car and being too frustrated to go along, he waited in the car.
The shop owner was busy with another customer so I looked around and saw a few more rugs. I picked the one that I liked but couldn't find a price tag on it. As a matter of fact I couldn't find a price tag on any of them. 
Once the shop owner was free she came over to me. I asked how much the rugs were. ( Honestly, It didn't matter, I was going to buy one no matter the cost.) 
"It's not for sale." She remarked. 
"What about the others?" I inquired.
"They are not for sale either." She responded.
"Then why do you have them?" I wanted to know.
"They are decor." She stated.
"But then you shouldn't put them in the window. It is deceptive." 
She shrugged and asked if she could help me with anything else. Obviously she had grown impatient with me and my frustration was clearly evident. 
"No, thank you. I only want rugs." And I left very disappointed and gave up the shopping excursion for the day.

I wondered why someone would put things in their windows that weren't for sale. To me that was very deceptive and just used as an allure to bring me to something that I could not have.
All of this reminded me of a young girl that dressed very immodestly and then got very upset when everyone thought of her as someone with loose morals. 
What you portray is what is seen. Perception is reality to the shopper. If you are showing it off, you should expect to have some interest. 
Ladies, the Bible speaks very clearly on modesty. There are many scriptures that speak on the matter. I like these.
FOR HIM and FROM HIM and THROUGH HIM and TO HIM are (ALL) things. Therefore I urge you, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. (Romans 11:36,12:1 NASB) emphasis mine
If you are Godly, you should be Godly ALL the time! It should be your life and your motivation for all you do. 

Lord, I pray that You Examine me, O LORD, and try me; Test my mind and my heart. (Psalms 26:2 NASB) help me, Lord, not to seek attention and interest from anything or anyone that would not bring glory and honor to you. Turn my attention back to remembering that YOU validate me. 

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