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Friday, December 13, 2013

Strength for His Work

The holiday season can be so full of activity that it becomes empty of the true meaning of Christmas.
Fatigue and discouragement can assault us during the Holiday season. Even at Christmas time life is constantly swinging its bruising punches. Before long we can become beaten down with little or no energy to really enjoy the season of giving and happiness.
We know in our heads we are children of the King, but our hearts feel no royal resilience. Fighting fatigue requires faith. 
Weariness at any time of the year is an opportunity for the Lord to strengthen you. He uses His people to energize and encourage one another. We will all need encouragement at some time in the stress of life and the Lord is strength for the journey of life.
Do not get so busy with the business of the holiday season that you forget the reason for the season, the birth of our Lord and Savior.
In life do not let worldly pressure like shopping, your job, divorce or family drama, death or disappointment exclude you from the Lord’s strength. Work will get you down. People will let you down. Failure will knock you down. Your greatest fears may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Fight fear with fear. Let the fear of God strengthen you as it fortifies your faith in Him.
In most churches and families there is a lot to do from Thanksgiving to Christmas and New Years that you can get lost in all the activity and miss out on the joy and happiness and blessings of the season.
The greatest energy drainer may be serving God in our own strength. This is one of Satan’s most effective schemes. He wants to occupy us in good activity void of eternal energy. Serving God and others in our own strength means we are driven by what we can do for God, rather than what He can do through us. It’s the difference between being energized in our service, or being drained by our service. We must always trust in our God and not strive for Him.
The Holy Spirit gives life and endurance and infuses strength, so be strong in the Lord!
<°)))>< Pat P.

I got this encouraging email from our friend in Texas. It is a simply true, little article. But I particularly like the statement near the end that says, "we are driven by WHAT WE CAN DO for God, rather than what He can doTHROUGH US."
I am guilty of this once again. 
Oh, Lord, please forgive me when I get in Your way. I desire to be pleasing to you. Use me, Father, in Your ways, in Your service. And give me the strength I need. In Jesus name, Amen.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8 NASB)

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