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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Heart's Desire

What is your heart's desire? What is the thing you long for? 
Each of us have hopes and dreams and something that we long for. Maybe it's a new home, or owning our own home. Maybe it's a child, maybe a vacation. Maybe it's a hope for happiness or good health. Whatever it is, does it line up with God's will? Is it something that He would want for you as well?
I have learned over the years that sometimes when God does not give me something it is because He has something different and usually better in mind. I know that I can trust Him. 
Trust in God comes over time. You have to learn to trust in Him. But when you allow yourself to believe that He wants the best for you and that He is good, all the time, you will have a peace inside that cannot be described.
The verse of the day on the June calendar is, May He grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans! (Psalms 20:4 ESV)
Trust God with your desires and your plans. Seek His will and His wisdom and pray that He guides your ways.

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