The sky is always blue beyond the clouds. There is always hope and encouragement here.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Plugged In

Get plugged in
When we left home to do this job our biggest fear was that we would be disconnected from the church. We were worried that we would miss out on the benefits of being part of that unity that bonds us and helps as to grow as a group as well as individually.
But God has taught us, or I should say, reminded us that ALL Christians are that body. All congregations make up that body.
Jesus is the head of the body. He is our command center, our guide, our example, our roots, our foundation. 
And by assembling together with others we can get encouraged and be an encouragement, we can build each other up and strengthen each other. 
Being unified as one body in Christ means that no matter our geography we can still  be connected. We are still in the body of Christ.
What body are you a part of if you are not meeting together? You are missing out on all the joys and benefits of unity. 
We are all one. As we stand together, unified, we will not be tossed around by the waves of this world. We will not be blown away by false doctrine and evil forces. We are strong as a group with Jesus as our anchor.
Get plugged in.
Eph. 4:11-16

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